Calling All Pre-Dental and Pre-Dental Hygiene Students. Apply Now!

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Posted on January 29, 2019.

For many students, a spring break trip to Guatemala or a summer spent volunteering in Kenya seems impossible and often too far out of budget. Likewise, traveling to a remote Himalayan village and providing free dental care to children in need may be something many only dream of. Thanks to the generous support of Cranberry USA, pre-dental students and pre-dental hygiene students now have financial support to make this dream a reality!

This year, Cranberry USA and Global Dental Relief are teaming up to make YOUR dreams come true! In 2019, Cranberry USA is offering five $1000 scholarships to pre-dental and pre-dental hygiene students who wish to attend a trip with GDR. The Cranberry Scholarship program is designed to give future dental professionals a unique glimpse into their future as a dentist or hygienist.

Since 2017, Cranberry USA has sponsored seven students to attend GDR clinics in Kenya, Cambodia, Guatemala and Nepal. With 27 clinics in five different countries, the opportunities are endless for YOU to volunteer with GDR this year.

Abby Eskina, a 2017 scholarship winner, concluded her trip by saying, “Going to Guatemala and being surrounded by people who love dentistry truly made my passion for dentistry even greater. It provided me with the certainty that I want to pursue a career in dentistry.

Abby Eskina, pictured above, with children during a trip to Guatemala with GDR.

There is no dream too far-fetched for motivated, compassionate and dedicated students like YOU who wish to make a positive impact in the world of dentistry.

The opportunity of a lifetime is one simple click away. If you’re eager to see the world like you’ve never seen it before while gaining immeasurable hands-on experience in a mobile dental clinic, click HERE.

Email us today to learn how you can make your dream of volunteering abroad a reality!